The Borderless North
The Fourth Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum (NRF) “The Borderless North”, which took place in Oulu and Tornio in Finland, and Haparanda and Luleå in Sweden in October 2006, had a wide range of northern stakeholders, including community leaders, regional and national policymakers, heads of state, civil society activists, business people, members of the research community and university students. Based on the main theme “Tech-knowledgy in Economies and Cultures”, a wide spectrum of relevant subject matter was covered during the sessions in dynamic discussions and dialogues among the participants. These discussions focused on cross-cutting themes, interdisciplinarity, policy-oriented discourses and analytical dialogues and thereby, confirmed a number of existing ideas and procedures as well as creating innovative approaches and concepts.
One of the outcomes of this NRF meeting is this publication, which consists of 25 articles based on the background papers and presentations of the meeting. Its content is organized under the following themes, which were broadly discussed in the meeting, “Tech-knowledgy and its Application”, “Borders, Barriers and Borderlands”, “Legal Challenges in the North” and “Gender, Citizenship and Human Security”.
See book here.
The proceedings of the meeting are published here. Click on the active links to titles in the program below.
A printed version was published in the summer of 2008 and will be distributed at the fifth NRF for the participants. It consists of 25 articles based on the background papers and presentations of the meeting. Its content is organized under the following themes, which were broadly discussed in the meeting: "Tech-knowledgy and its Application", "Boorders, Barriers and Borderlands", "Legal Challenges in the Northe" and "Gender, Citizenship and Human Security".
Title Page and Summary Report
Introduction & Opening Adresses
Plenary Session I: Tech-knowledgy and its Application to the Economies, Energy Policies and Cultures in the North
Panelists and Position Paper Authors
- Dr. Lauri Lajunen
Rector, University of Oulu, Finland
- Dr. Elina Helander-Renvall, Senior Scientist, University of Lapland, Finland:
Logical Adaptation to Modern Technology: Snowmobile Revolution in Sápmi
- Boris Segerståhl, Professor, University of Oulu:
Clusters and Networks – Tools for Northern Development
- Jorma Kajava, Research Professor, Department of Research Methodology, University of Lapland; Ilkka Kamaja, Head of Development, Department of Research Methodology, University of Lapland, Finland & Juhani Anttila, Venture Knowledgist, Quality Integration & Mikko Ilkko, Editor-in-chief, Ruotuvôki, Main Newspaper of the Defence Forces: Knowledge Work in the North – What Networking and the Barents Region have to offer to Northern Finland
- Jorma Kovalainen, General Manager – Special Projects, Outukumpu Tornio Works:
Outukumpu Tornio Works
- DI. Senior Adviser Antti Hietala, Finland:
New Northern Areas- Possibilities for New Technology and Tech-knowledgy (Power Point show)
- Seppo Saari, Research Director, Digipolis Research, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, University of Oulu & VTT:
Bridging Innovation Systems Between Northern Finland and Sweden
Plenary Session II: Borders, Barriers, Interactive Cultures and Borderlands – Is the North Becoming a Common Borderless Space?
- Raimo Ronkainen, Mayor of Tornio, Finland & Sven-Erik Bucht, Mayor of Haparanda, Sweden:
Tornio-Haparanda – A Unique Result of City Twinning
- Esko Riepula, Professor and former Rector, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland:
Cross-Border Cooperation in the European North Since the 1990’s
- Dr. Margareta Strömbäck, Director of Education, Högskoleförbundet, Östra Norrbotten, Sweden & Dr. Håkan Ylinenpää, Professor, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden:
Collaboration between University, Industry and Society in a Borderless Context – Experiences from the Eastern Norbotten Research Station
- Joonas Ahola, Licentiate of Philosophy, PhD.lic, University of Helsinki, Department of Cultural Studies, Folkloristics, Finland:
Vikings in the East: A Report on a Workshop held in Veliky Novgorod, Russia in May 10-13-2006
- Gail Fondahl, Associate Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada:
Increasing Indigenous Participation in Resource Management in the North: Research Opportunities and Barrier
- Ron Macnab, Geological Survey of Canada (retired):
Coastal State Sovereignty in the Arctic Offshore: Is it Compatible with the Concept of a Borderless North?
- Sverker Jullander, Luleå University, Sweden:
In the Borderland of Art and Science: Musical Performance as a New Research Discipline at the Luleå University of Technology
Presentations by Young Researchers during Square Hour
- Ylva Jannok Nutti , PhD Candidate, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden:
Mathematical Thoughts within the Sámi Culture
- Olga Povoroznyuk, PhD, Researcher, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:
Borders and Land: Ideal Perceptions and Real Practices of Evenk Hunters and Herders
- Dessislav Sabev, Postdoctoral Researcher, Northern Studies Program, Department of Geography, McGill University, Canada:
The Internal Borders of the Borderless North. Local Practices of Globalization within the Reineer-Herding Communities on the Kola Peninsula
- Clayton Tinsley, PhD Candidate, Doctoral Program in Anthropology, State University of New York at Binghamton, USA:
Households on the Margin: Smallholder Resilience in Northern Highland/Island Scotland
- Pavel Prokhorov, PhD, Expert with the Baltic Research Centre in St. Petersburg, and Journalist with the “Expert of the North-West” business magazine, Russia:
How do we divide the Barents Sea?
Plenary Session III: Societal Impacts of Flows of Globalization and Climate Change in the North – The Influences of Northern Dimensions, Policies, Strategies and Programmes
Panelists and Position Paper Authors
- Director Maimo Henriksson, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland:
The New Northern Dimension Policy
- Dr. Lassi Heininen, Senior Scientist, University of Lapland, Finland:
Northern Dimensions, Policies, Strategies and Programmes as Means to Respond
- Heather N. Nicol, University of West Georgia:
The Resilience of Borders in the Circumpolar North: Canada and U.S. Policy Boundaries
- Riia Lampelo-Iisalo, Student in Tourism, Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences, Finland:
The Calotte Academy 2006
Presentations by Young Researchers during Square Hour
- Tristan D. Pearce, MA, Research Associate, Global Environmental Change Group, Department of Geography, University of Guelph, Canada:
Travel Routes, Harvesting and Climate Change in Ulukhaktok,Canada
- Gleb Yarovoy, Post-Graduate Student, International Relations, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Republic of Karelia, Russia:
Does History Work? - Euregio “Karelia” on the EU-Russian Border
Day of Project Sessions
Legal challenges in the Arctic
- Dr. Guðmundur Alfreðsson (Director, Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Lund, Sweden:
Human Rights Challenges in the Arctic
- Lars Elenius, Assoc. Prof. in History, Department of Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden:
The Outcome of the Minority and Language Policy in Sweden
- Tanja Joona (Ph.D. candidate, the Northern Institute of Environmental and Minority Law, Rovaniemi, Finland:
The ILO Convention No. 169 A Solution for Land Disputes in the Nordic Countries?
- Dr. Timo Koivurova, Director, the Northern Institute of Environmental and Minority Law, Rovaniemi, Finland:
The Limits of the Arctic Council
- Maria Pettersson, Ph. D. Candidate, Luleå University of Technology, Department of Social Science, Division of Jurisprudence, Luleå, Sweden:
Energy Legal Challenges in the Arctic: Implications of a Changing Climate
- Dr. Natalia Loukacheva, Visiting fellow, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada:
Legal Challenges in the Arctic
- Dr. Natalia Loukacheva, visiting fellow, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada:
General Perspectives on Legal Challenges in the Arctic: Canadian experiences
Gender and Human Security
- Mervi Heikkinen, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland:
Gender, Power and Citizenship in Circumpolar North - Gender and Sexual Harassment in University Revisited
- Elana T. Wilson, Researcher, Centre for Russian Studies, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo, Norway & Stephanie Irlbacher Fox, Adjunct Professor, Canadian Circumpolar Institute & Jackie Price, Instuctor, Nunavut Sivuniksavut Program in Ottawa:
Human Security in the Arctic: A New Perspective on Gender and Rights?
- Darima Badmatsyrenova, Head of the Foreign Languages Department,Technical Institute, Sakha State University, Nerungri, Russian Federation & Anna Elivanova, Senior Instructor, Foreign Languages Department, Technical Institute, Sakha State University, Nerungri, Russian Federation:
Language Policy in Russia: the Case Study of the Yakut Language
- Dr. Elena S. Kotyrlo, Assistant Professor, Syktyvkar State University, Komi Republic, Russia:
Incomes and Human Development in a Comparative Analysis of the Russian North with Other Regions
- Embla Eir Oddsdóttir, Post-graduate student UNBC, and Researcher Stefansson Arctic Institute: Gendered and Colonial Relations: Multidimensional tensions.
Northern Economy: Results and follow-up from the NRF workshop Economies in the North (Oulu 2005) and the ICARP II report on Arctic Economies & Sustainable Development
Northern Eurasian Geopolitics
Community Based Research
- Amy Wiita, Owner/Principal Research Consultant, Cinza Research, Doctoral Student, Department of Anthropology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA:
What is the Culture of Research in the Circumpolar North? An Ethnographic Perspective of Literature and Personal Experience
- Amy L. Wiita, Owner/Principal Research Consultant, Cinza Research, Doctoral Student, Department of Anthropology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA:
The Culture of Community-Based Research and a Borderless North
- Tero Mustonen, Executive Secretary, Snowchange Cooperative, Researcher, Department of Finnish Language and Cultural Studies, University of Joensuu, Finland:
Eternal Kantele at the End of Time – Reflections on Retraditionalization of Traditional Knowledge In the Face of Rapid Ecological Changes in the Arctic
- Mrs. Gunn-Britt Retter, MA, Head of Arctic and Environmental Unit of the Saami Council, Norway:
Town Hall Meeting
Town Hall Meeting
Town Hall Meeting focusing on the findings and issues raised by the Arctic Human Development Report (AHDR, 2004) and the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA, 2004-05). The results from earlier Town Hall Meetings (in Inari, Finland, May 2005, and in Anchorage, USA, February 2006) will be introduced.
- Dr. Elena S. Kotyrlo, Assistant Professor, Syktyvkar State University, Komi Republic, Russia: Human Development and Regional Economic Growth in the Russian North.
Summary Reports on Plenaries and Project Day Sessions
The Summary Session includes oral reports by young researchers who have served as session reporters and a general discussion among participants about the outcomes of the meeting. The location, time and hosts of the 5th NRF Open Meeting will be announced. All participants will be asked to respond in a questionnaire whereby they evaluate the outcomes of the 4th NRF Open Meeting in writing.
Plenary I Rapporteurs
Plenary II Rapporteurs
Gleb Yarovoy, Post-Graduate Student, International Relations, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University, Republic of Karelia, Russia & Audrey Giles, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Borders, Barriers, Interactive Cultures and Borderlands – Is the North Becoming a Common Borderless Space?
Plenary III Rapporteurs
- Tarmo Pikner, Researcher, MsC Geography Department, University of Oulu, Finland & Sabev Dessislav, Postdoctoral Researcher, Northern Studies Program, Deparment of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Societal Impacts of Flows of Globalization and Climate Change in the North – The Influences of Northern Dimensions, Policies, Strategies and Programmes
Project Day Rapporteurs
- Dr. Natalia Loukacheva, Visiting fellow, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada:
Legal Challenges in the Arctic
- Olga Povoroznyuk, Researcher, Ph.D., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow:
Gender and Human Security
- Clayton Tinsley, Doctoral Program in Anthropology, State University of New York, USA:
Northern Economy
- Tristan Pearce, MA, Research Associate, Global Environmental Change Group, Deparment of Geography, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada:
Community Based Research
Town Hall Meeting Report
- Dr. Natalia Loukacheva, Visiting Fellow, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada:
Town Hall Meeting
Northern Travelling Film Festival
- THE SAMI by Markku Lehmuskallio, Anastasia Lapsui and Liisa Holmberg. Documentary. English subtitles. 82 min. (35 mm)
Attendance: Filmmakers Markku Lehmuskallio and Anastasia Lapsui, hosted by Andrei Golovnev
- HUNTERS OF COLD SHORES by Alexei Vakhrushev (RUS). Documentary. English voice-over and subtitles. 30 min. Ethno-Online Company. 2005.
- YAPTIK-HASSE by Edgar Bartenev (RUS). Documentary. English subtitles. 31 min. Saint-Petersburg documentary studio. 2006.
- THE LAST FARM by Runar Runarsson (IS). Feature. English subtitles. 17 min
The main sponsor of the fourth NRF Open Meeting was