Anchorage 2008 - Position Papers

The position papers are written specifically for the 5th NRF Open Assembly by people prominent in Northern issues and activities from a variety of backgrounds. These essays focus on the different themes and sub-themes that will be addressed during the meeting and are meant to serve as a springboard inspiring discussion in the various sessions as well responses from panelists and other speakers.

Plenary Session I: The Future of Northern Co-operation

On the 24th of June 2008 in Oslo the research institute Ocean Futures and the Northern Research Forum jointly hosted a very well attended seminar that explored various aspects of Arctic and northern affairs. The seminar was entitled "The Politics of the Eurasian Arctic. National Interests and International Challenges". Read more here. Following are position papers from the seminar:

Plenary Session II: The New Geography of a Warming North

  • Suicide in Inuit Nunaat: An analysis of Suicide Rates and the Effect of Community-level Factors
    Christopher Penney, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; Sacha Senécal, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, University of Western Ontario; Eric Guimond, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, University of Western Ontario,Inter-University Centre for Demographich Study (CIED); Ellen Bobet, Confluence Research; and Sharamjit Uppal,Statistics Canda
  • Measuring Inuit Community Well-Being: The Canadian Inuit Community Well-Being Index
    Sacha Senécal,Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, University of Western Ontario; Christopher Penney, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada; and Erin O'Sulluvan, Strategic Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, McMaster University

Plenary Session III: The Accessible Arctic in the Global Economy

  • Far Eastern Oil Pipelines
    D.B. Badmatsirenova and N.M. Gataullina, Technical Institute in Neriungry, Sakha State University, Russia

Plenary Session IV: Leadership in the Age of Uncertainty