Addressing the three „poles“, the Arctic, the Himalayans and Antarctica was held in Hveragerði, Iceland 3. - 6. September 2011.
The Open Assembly was organized by the Northern Research Forum (NRF) and its co-organizing partners from Norway, and hosted by the University of Akureyri in Iceland.The main objective was to address the impact of dwindling ice – terrestrial, the Arctic, the Himalayans and Antarctica as well as ocean bound – globally and on the complex interface of nature and society in all climatic zones of the world. In light of the man-made part of climate change, particularly meaning global warming, natural ice as a common heritage of humankind is gradually becoming a concept of global politics. Indeed, “a world without ice” would not only look different, but affect societal life in quite dramatic ways on a global scale.
RHA is one of 7 partners involved in the EU funded Research on the intensity and prevalence of internet addictive behaviour risk among minors in Europe ( The study will encompass in total 14,000 children in Spain, Greece, Romania, The Netherlands, Poland and Iceland. During the spring of 2011 RHA carried out a pilot study assessing internet use, access to the internet, use of computer games, feelings, thoughts and behaviours among 15-16 year old children attending schools in Akureyri and Reykjavík. RHA is now preparing for administrating the survey to 2,000 children in 9th and 10th grades during the autumn of 2011 in schools across the country.
The 20th Nordmedia conference was held at the University of Akureyri 11-13 August. Over 200 participants met at the conference whose title this time was: Media and Communiation studies - Doing the right thing?
This was the fourth time the conference was held in Iceland but the other three times it was held in Reykjavík. RHA and Þetta var í fjórða skipti sem ráðstefnan frór fram á Íslandi en í hin þrjú skiptin hafði hún farið fram í Reykjavík. RHA and Aktravel jointly participated in organizing the conference.